Today is Thursday, August 31, 2023, or just another moving day. Moving days are always eventful. Clean the counter in the kitchen, bathroom, and table, pick up stuff, and stow all of the things that I don't want to break or spill. Close the vents, and windows, turn the fridge to propane, turn all lights off, dump the tanks, unplug power if plugged in, disconnect the water, disconnect sewer hose, pick up stuff from outside, chair, folding table, outside mat, lock all compartments, raise stabilizers, pick up leveling blocks, connect hitch to the truck, position truck to hitch up the trailer, connect weight distribution arms, connect 7 pin connector to the truck, check lights and turn signals, check the torque on lugnuts, check air pressure, sounds like a lot, and it is, but its amazing how it becomes second nature after a while, especially after some bonehead mistakes that really drives the process home.
Portia and I are headed northeast from Duluth, MN to Bayfield, WI to Apostle Islands Area Campground. We only have reservations for tonight and hoping we can stay longer, but it is Labor Day weekend so not good timing. We may take the ferry over to Madeline Island and camp or we'll figure it out. Take care, everyone!
The picture is from when we left the Badlands National Park in South Dakota. The other 2 pics are from the 12th Street beach on Lake Superior. We ran into a sweet woman who lives in a home on the beach, she was combing the beach for pretty rocks, her name is Connie Sue. She said I could take her photo even though she didn't look prepared.
